An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Still waiting.....

for some warm weather!!!


The small area on the left had to be dug up during the big road project that is currently going on. The gas company had to dig a big-as- hole there which set some of the early spring bulbs back. But it's really the cold weather along with rain that has set spring back here in SE Wisconsin.

The tulips are just waiting for the perfect day to burst open. I'm not too disappointed about the delay. I like to enjoy them during all phases of growth.

The geraniums were brought outside five days ago but they have to stay in the garage because it's been too cold. 

On that day last week that I brought out the geraniums, I also brought all the trays of seedlings outside. It really does get to be a bit much having all of this going on in a small house. But then it got cold and all of them came back inside again! These seedlings were put in late because the first crop of tomatoes didn't germinate.

As if living with the trays wasn't bad enough, now I have bins (portable green houses) full of seedlings in cups that I transplanted on that warm day. Yes, a "warm day" vs. "warm week." It's been a long wait for spring this year.

This is what happens when you're a gardener with a road that's been ripped up and your front garden of tulips nibbled down by Pierre, the rabbit. It's hard to get angry at him because I'm quite sure that rabbit greens have also been late. When you are waiting to get outside, you start projects inside. It is amazing how changing the color of a room can be so exciting. It really does change everything.

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