An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's 12:12 p.m.

And I have had a full day already.

The garden on the right was added last year for no real reason other than I want a view that I can enjoy when I look out my front windows. It really has come a long way since last fall when I started throwing in whatever was cheapest and left over at the garden stores. I accidentally added what appears to be the Mammoth Sunflowers instead of the Autumn ones. The Autumn ones are shorter and are multicolored.

Today started out with two loads of laundry done and hanging on the line. I followed that with priming the back side of the house. It's going to be very hot here and maybe rain which equals humidity which is not good for siding that has been cleaned and almost bare. I had to get that primer on. I looked like a sprinkler. Sweat was honestly just running off my face. And since I had to spray myself due to the onslaught of mosquitoes, I figured why not just take a look at the garden while I'm filthy. After I finished painting, I did indeed go down to the garden and weeded, gathered the veggies above (OK, I was too eager with the carrots and the beets!) for dinner tonight.


The cucumbers on the left, beans in the middle and along the top left outer and top edge are squash. The carrots are on the in the middle right. The bottom is a mess. I had the space left over and now it's filling up with weeds.

View from the hill.

View at the top of the hill. That's what I painted today. It was no picnic wrestling with those day lilies. Oh, and if anyone is interested in a great weed killer or grass killer, I would suggest a TSP mixture and bleach. It seems to have worked its magic here around the patio table and chairs! No more Round'Up for me!

There are lots of tomatoes. And, as is my trademark, some yellow blotched leaves. Oh well, what's summer without blight?

I love the color of snap peas. I grabbed some rough sticks and put them near the peas so they could start climbing.

Leeks and peppers and lots of weeds. This is what I cleaned up after I took the photo!

After my adventure this morning, I hosed myself off with freezing water from the hose and came inside to sit in front of the fan and that's where I am now. Brrrrr.

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