An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Catching up.

I admit to spending most of my time using my iPad and ignoring recording my boring life on my blog. It is so easy to snap a photo with the iPad and instantly put it up on Instagram (just got the connection!) vs. using my camera, uploading the photos to my laptop and then hoping that I remember my password to my blog. In my defense, I have about 25 passwords that I use at work plus the 12 that I need for personal business at home and then the 3 I need to manage my internet life!  Are you kidding?  That's a lot to manage !   So here are a few snaps that I've accumulated over the past few weeks encompassing Christmas and the arrival of my new best friend.....Mr. iPad!  I think my kids were afraid I was becoming a techno-dinosaur.  Thank you for the great gift!

 Getting everything ready for house guests and party goers and gift wrapping and exchanging. All set.

Wrapping the woolens from The Foundry Home Goods Store in Minneapolis. It's a very woolen Christmas. It always is.

The traditional Christmas Day walk.

 This guy got so much attention.

Here he is with his reading material. Studying French cheeses.

Can't have enough leopard at the party.

A week later I hosted the annual numerology reading party with my two best shopping buddies. 


After a very social year of hosting several parties and mingling more than I usually do, I am looking forward to my "7" year of solitude and becoming a hermit.

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