An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Year end thoughts

This has turned out to be a year that ended with a bang. A big, bad bang. But Christmas decorating must still go on and it did with an equally big bang. Lots of sparkles and lights. 
My Christmas tree has been the same for the last few years. It's a live, potted tree that I took to my father's hospital room and decorated a few days before he died.

When I step outside or look out my kitchen window, I see a tiny tree at the back of my yard. This year I decorated it with lights and ornaments.

 My father planted that little tree with the help of 3 little grandchidren about 15 years ago. I moved it from the old house to this house. It needed to be dressed with lights this year.

It's a peaceful place after a day of snow flurries.

My neighbors are getting into decorating.

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