An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A short tour of seedlings and spring growth

After posting photos of things quite usual, I decided to take some time and photograph the unusual things happening here in Wisconsin. A brief reminder: it's still March!!!










Petunias in background, cosmos in the middle and naturtiums in the foreground.

More cosmos

I started to prune out the old wood on my lavender. Some of the older plants are about 3 years old. It looks very healthy this year.

I was blaming the squirrels for moving all of my tulips. Apparently they were not digging up as many of them as I thought. Last fall I planted other things besides tulips and this is something from that planting. Exciting.

Everything is coming back to life.

This is such an unusual bush. It has what looks like three different varieties all in one plant.

Two months early with this bush.

I hit my head on this low-hanging maple tree branch every time I head out to hang laundry.

Kale from last year. Some tender young leaves. I may not have to replant any this year.

This area is full of garlic, onions, kale, parsley and lettuce that is coming back from last year.

Vintage chicken keeping watch over the tomato seedlings.

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