An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday morning

It's back to chilly weather here in SE Wisconsin. Yesterday's warmish weather got me in the mood to take seed organization seriously. I have my master list of what is already purchased and what I need. But today, we're back to cool weather and that means finding excuses to use the oven so I made scones for the first time ever. And they weren't half-bad for my first attempt!  I used the recipe on the blog of Hostess of the Humble Bungalow. It is by far the easiest to use and you probably already have all of the ingredients in your kitchen. Who has heavy cream sitting around? Not me!  I am going to make another batch this morning but now I'm enjoying this first attempt with coffee for breakfast.

It has been several weeks of long days at work. Ten to eleven hour days can leave a person brain dead on the weekend. Saturdays are usually spent comatose....laying around with just a few chores being done. But Sundays are often a whirlwind of activities related to getting ready for another long week at work. Yesterday I did three loads of laundry and hung them all outside to dry. Fabulous but a little treacherous as I had to dance across the patches of ice and snow that were melting in my yard. It was a welcome day of warmth in the middle of winter.

By the way, I am aware that I'm in a No. 7 year--numerologically speaking--so not wanting to leave my house except for work is not a surprise to me.

Back to breakfast and planning my garden!

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