An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What are those seven plagues anyway?

When you get to the bottom of the photos, scroll back up and look at him. It helps.

I thought this was bad.

Then, it became this.

And now, my little den has a different theme. It's called the plague of water.
It's a nice view.

Lamb (1-3)
Lulav (4-5)
Dove (6-7)
Shofar 8-10
Lords GoatDay of Atonement16-19
(14, 20-22)
LambChurchAcceptedSealsSealingJudgmentRemnantLegal CaseSatanWarningDestructionRescued
Jesus Becomes KingJudgeWrath of SatanGod's WrathReward
Lamb of God (Seed)Holy Spirit (Water) ComesGrowingChildren of God named
Barley HarvestLatter Rain RainWheat and Grape HarvestLatter Rain RainFruit Harvest
Seed Planted Under the EarthDarkness (Seed Germinates)Light (Leaf)Reaping (Fruit)
7 ChurchesSeven Seals7 TrumpetsSeven ThundersSeven Last Plagues

I'm not sure what this all means (above) but I'm quite certain that it means:
Plague 1 - flooding of basement
Plague 2 - invasion of mice
Plague 3 - leaking of roof
Plague 4 - cat pooping under basement stairs in a place that is nearly impossible to get to
Plagues 5 - 7 (I'm afraid to even THINK about it)

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