An urban micro farm experiment. Adventures in trying to live a simple life.

Friday, March 19, 2010

2009 - The official beginning.

These boxes of seedlings in the two photos above
were traded for other crops that I didn't grow
like squash and kale.
This year, "trade" was the method of making a sale.

Can I turn the backyard of my home into an urban micro farm?

The verdict is still to come but through much planning, hard work and blissful ignorance, it definitely seems like a good possibility!

2009 was the official start of Daisy Farm.

During the winter, seeds were started indoors in my kitchen bay window with the help of an electric blanket and a lot of misting. Very soon, it became apparent that what was a table full of seedlings in flats expanded exponentially to nearly take over any windows that offered a shot at sunlight.

About 6 trade deals were made. I swapped seedlings for vegetables that I was not growing. Or, I swapped them for garlic or onions that I planted in my garden.

There were a few mishaps. The near total failure of my tomato crop was a disappointment. This was not unique to me. It was a bad year countrywide. I managed to survive and have tomatoes through the shear volume of tomato plants!

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